
A Short Rant From A Prep Cook

Jen is our "Master of the Walk in Cooler and All Who Work and Travel thru PrepLand"
(also Master of the Firm Handshake, I might add)

Communication is the Key! (dammit!) I think it's funny that servers can spill things, like ranch dressing in the walk-in, the night before and leave it there for the first people who go in there in the morning to find it and clean it up. (do you really find that hilarious, or are you bitchin' cuz it's working your last nerves, Jen?)

Or when a cook goes back to the kitchen to work on something or use a piece of equipment and then doesn't clean it afterwards. When I call them out on it, it's like I'm twisting their arm and making them go out of their way to do what they should have done in the first place. (might I suggest you purchase a whip or other torture device? That will teach 'em!)

I think it all comes down to communication, because I personally wouldn't mind cleaning up for someone, especially if they are in a rush, but just ask...
(don't assume Jen feels like cleaning up after your slack **s ways! Heard!)

it takes two extra seconds and everyone walks away happy. (I dunno about happy...maybe in less of a need for a jumbo margarita after work than the ones we normally enjoy. Oops, I mean, the ones I normally enjoy, let me just speak for myself.....)

Is that it, Jen? Apparently, she's done. Thanks for listening.

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