
Does This Count As Two Degrees Of Separation?

Death Sentence

Three years ago, I enter for the first time, what was to become one of my favorite local hang outs. A very friendly and courteous server named Juan Carlos approaches my table. Based on his excellent service, friendly personality, and handsome smile, this restaurant & bar quickly becomes a favorite.

Juan Carlos always waits on my friends and I. If he isn't there, I may not stay. The other wait staff just aren't as good as him. And I admit, I'm very judgemental of servers, being as I'm in the business. So if you can't meet JC's standards of service, you won't be getting my regular business.

Little by little, getting to know JC, I find out he has a passion for acting, not unusual for aspiring actors to work as servers until their big break in NYC or LA, but here in North Carolina, its not very often the case. He is soon getting small parts in local theatre. He's an extra in this movie. He's an extra in that movie. He's in a tv pilot that doesn't make it to air. And finally, he's now promoted to bartender at my local hang out. Ok. Move from the tables, now I find myself and friends at the bar most nights. No problem.

Then slowly, last summer, my favorite bartender is not at work as much anymore. He's there occassionally, and when he is, he never really mentions what's up, just busy working he says.

TONIGHT, we find out what he was up to last summer. Thru his invitation to a movie premier for Death Sentence, starring Kevin Bacon. In this movie, Kevin Bacon plays Nick Hume, "a mild-mannered executive with a perfect life, until one gruesome night he witnesses something that changes him forever. Transformed by grief, Hume eventually comes to the disturbing conclusion that no length is too great when protecting his family." Directed by James Wan. Release Date: August 31st, 2007. In the movie, Juan Carlos plays Sammy, the bartender at the Four Roses bar (okay, not much of a stretch, I admit, but hey, how many movies have you been in??). Four Roses is the hang out for all the thugs, gang members, killers and any other vile criminals in town. When Kevin Bacon's son is killed as part of an initiation rite for a new gang member, he decides to follow their lead, and it takes him into the criminal mind set and gang underworld.

In my favorite scene from the movie, (because Juan Carlos is in it), Kevin Bacon has had enough and is about to lay out everything and anything that stands in his path at the Four Roses, including poor Sammy's face! YIKES!

This isn't a romantic date movie, it's not science fiction, it's a thriller with shooting, chases, body parts, car crashes, etc. But if you like action movies, and you've ever wondered HOW FAR YOU WOULD GO TO PROTECT YOUR FAMILY, this is the movie to see.

Plus, isn't it nice to see good restaurant people succeed in life? And trust me, Juan Carlos is good people. See you at the movies!

To view the trailer, go to http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=20203429. For some reason, it wouldn't let me save the video here.

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