
This Is What Sucks

Do you know what sucks?

When an infant or child is crying. Not a normal crying, that a bit of attention from a Mom or Dad won't fix.

More like a distressed cry.

But the parent is too busy chatting with their dining companion to pay attention to the child. Or so used to the crying, that the parent barely pays it any mind. Not that the rest of the dining room can't hear it. Unfortunately, all eyes are on that table. Not that the child is the problem. The kid is innocent. The problem is the so called responsible adult who is oblivious to the commotion. Or to other guests' concerns for the baby and the wailing and what possibly could be causing it, and hey, how about pick the baby up and find out? There's a thought. Or just continue to ignore the situation like you're already doing.

Until the child becomes so distressed, that they throw up on the table in the dining room.

At which point, the responsible adult certainly notices, because hey, place a plate here, spread out a napkin there, no one will notice until you creep out the door without a word or apology to the server who now has to clean up the vomit they will find when they bus your table.

That sucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's bad! Are people really that rude? The polite thing to do is take the child out of the resturant until they calm down. I feel sorry for that busser, cleaning up someone else's kids vomit:( I was once a busser/waiter for a small resturant but I never had to clean something like that up, thank goodness! They probably didn't even leave a good tip....